Your Career – my expertise

The corporate world is more dynamic than ever. Each year, millions of people make a shift, reaching a point where they need (and often want) to explore a new career. This phenomenon has only been expedited by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Career transitions can be one of the most exciting challenges in any professional’s life, but can also be incredibly stressful. Whether it’s a career change, a new job, returning from abroad, or being laid off – such transitions can be jarring.

In such scenarios, if you want results beyond just calling all your friends and headhunter contacts, professional support and expert advice can be a God-send.

How I support you:

Although the factors and time frames are tailored to each person, the transition process is the same for most people.

Career Transition has 3 basic stages:

Ending stage

Paradoxically, every transition must start with an ending.

Neutral stage

The neutral zone is the bridge between the old and the new.

New Beginning Stage

The last transition stage is a time of acceptance and renewal.
As an acting Executive Search Consultant (as well as a career consultant and mental health practitioner), I will guide you through all the aspects of your career transition.

During the process we will work on:

  • Letting go of the old and finding your new inspiration
  • Creating your Strategic Plan – gathering all the information about your goals and how you will get there
  • Defining your key competencies, skills, Unique Selling Proposition, network, target companies and more
  • Refreshing your Resume, LinkedIn profile, and other pertinent information you need now

You will walk away with:

  • A taylored plan to your career transition  
  • Fresh Motivation and Inspiration
  • Clarity and Confidence
  • Ongoing professional support

Can I help you?

Contact me for more information.

Contact me

Brigitta Fűri
Phone: +36 70 601 9827